This page is for those who have attempted to escape from libyan hell, but have been catched and deported back to Libya.
We are fighting for our rights, the right to move and to live safely.
We are collecting photos, video and eyewitnesses for lawyers, which help us in process against illegal deportation organized, in some cases, also by Italian government.
So if you recognize someone from the pictures we post, please let us know.
Often this can help to free those who have been deported to Libya and allow them to travel safely to Europe.
Fight for your right! Help us to stop deportation!
Our cases:
- ASSO VENTINOVE 2 july 2018. We have a lot of photos here.
- ASSO VENTOTTO 30 july 2018. Photos here.
- Case “ABD7” april 2020. Photos.
- Case “SOSprey” march 2021. Photos here.
- Case “VT” june 2021- Photos here.
If you recognize yourself in these photos or know someone who is in the photos, write us by leaving your whatsapp contact.
إذا تعرفت على نفسك في هذه الصور أو كنت تعرف شخصًا موجودًا في الصور ، فاكتب إلينا من خلال ترك جهة اتصال whatsapp الخاصة بك.
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